Nov 11, 2020

The one constant thing in my life is change , i am surrounded by change , and it is the most dramatic impact on my life .

This changes can challenge myself and force me to reconsider how can i live mylife .

Change can come into my life as a result of a crisis ,maybe new chance or choice .So I always accept to change myself to be a good person and i change always my goals .

If i talk about my experiences , i change many things since i was only 22 years until now , i change many plans and many ideas for example RBK it was the last change and the new chance , i take this decision to be here on May when we are on the confinement .

When I start on RBK , it was hard at first to change myself , I was kind person ,i afraid sometime for the public speaking but i should change myself until now i try always to change myself and Find my courage, I always said that Don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. If it feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.